Post Disposable Activation Toolkit

The post disposable initiative is a challenge to design a future that eliminates waste by design and creates closed-loop circular solutions at all levels of society.
The big challenge in front of us is to see how quickly we can redesign the current systems that facilitate waste, and move from unsustainable to regenerative.
To ensure we can reach these lofty goals, we started the post disposable movement and developed an 80 page activation toolkit and series of three design challenges that can be applied to educational and professional settings.
We built these design challenges for e-waste, fashion and ocean plastic waste to encourage creatives, visionaries and everyday people to take action and to re-design the production, consumption and waste systems to be circular, sustainable and regenerative.
This set of free tools are meant to help anyone activate their leadership and make lifestyle shifts for a post disposable future. Based on the idea that we are all citizen designers of the future, we are always looking for unique ways of equipping people with the tools to take action on the big issues around us.