Disruptive Design Method Handbook (Digital Download)

Disruptive Design Method Handbook (Digital Download)
Discover the Disruptive Design Method with Leyla Acaroglu
Are you creative, eager to disrupt the status quo and passionate about making the world work better for all of us? This handbook will help you activate your agency, upskill in changemaking, and amplify your impact.
Discover the unique creative method of activating positive social and environmental change through the Disruptive Design Method – a three-part process of mining, landscaping and building to help you activate positive systems change in the world around you.
Developed by sustainability provocateur and creative protagonist, award-winning designer, sociologist, and UNEP 2016 Champion of the Earth, Dr. Leyla Acaroglu, the Disruptive Design Method is a holistic and substance-based approach to complex, creative problem solving. The method combines sociological inquiry methods, sustainability strategies, systems and design thinking tools, which, together, can be employed to develop strategic creative systems interventions that enact social and sustainable change.
Anyone, anywhere, can make change – no matter how big or small their sphere of influence may be. This method provides a process for doing it, as it guides people through the process of exploring and understanding problems, identifying strategic points of intervention, ideating, prototyping solutions, and ultimately getting their change-making provocations out into the world.